Quilt guild announces show awards

For The Madera Tribune
Heart of California Quilt Guild award recipients show off their ribbon after competing in the “Here We Come a Quilting,” competition in March.
The Heart of California Quilt Guild announced the results of the viewers’ choice Awards at the Guild meeting on March 26th. The quilt show, “Here We Come a Quilting” was held on March 16th and 17th at Hatfield Hall. There was a total of 195 entries in the show, which included quilts of many sizes, home décor, and wall hangings, completed by the Guild members.
The Heart of California Quilt Guild meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Harvest Community Church in Truscott Hall. There are currently 58 members in the Guild.
Quilt Show Challenge
1st Bonnie Carlson - Circle of Life; 2nd Linda Zacharia - Quilt Show Challenge; 2nd Sandy Giersch - Split Flowers; 3rd Christine Taylor - Sunflower Starry Night