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Opinion: Fun or fear of flying

Remember when you settled into a comfortable seat, placed the order for your meal, and left the runway for a destination. Then, after a very pleasant flight, you landed with all the airplane parts intact? Wow! Where those the good ole days, or what? I mean, the landing gear hadn’t fallen off, the emergency door hadn’t broken loose from its hinges, and the stewardesses (now flight attendants) didn’t look like they were having panic attacks.

Brooklyn, July 1957

The Brooklyn Eagle had ceased publication in 1955. The “voice of the borough” was edited from 1846 to 1848 by Walt Whitman who wrote more than 800 items for the paper during those years, including two of his earliest poems. 

Then, in 1957, Walter O’Malley announced that he was moving the Brooklyn Dodgers to Los Angeles. The burning question that was asked of Dodger fans was: You’re in a locked room with Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Walter O’Malley. You have a gun with only two bullets. What do you do? Answer: Shoot O’Malley twice.


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