Marge Medellin has ‘slipped the surly bonds of earth’
For The Madera Tribune
Marge Medellin was the keynote speaker at the International Women’s Day celebration in March. She spoke about her life and how she became the first and only Latina woman mayor of Madera. Her son Andy, also a former mayor of Madera, accompanied her on the stage and helped her back to her seat after her speech.
It has been about a year since I sat down with Andy Medellin to interview his mother, Marge Medellin. A member of the Madera Unified School District’s audio-visual team was also there to film the proceedings. The plan was to gather source material for a Madera Method biography on Marge.
Everyone was excited about the project, especially MUSD Superintendent Todd Lile.
He held Marge in high esteem for her contributions to Madera. She was a veteran employee of MUSD. She had been a member of the Madera City Council, and she was California’s first Latina mayor.