Letters: Well, I am done
Been enjoying Dreyer’s French Vanilla for many years. Especially when our nectarines are ripe.
It started last summer. Opened a carton, and it wasn’t full — about a serving short. Figured just an “oops.” Next carton, a few days later, same thing. Then, I went to the store and opened two of the cartons. One from in front and one in back. Both were short. Paid for them and took them to the manager. He said, “We don’t pack them.”
Called Dreyer’s. Got some woman at the guard shack. Claimed she didn’t have an office number. Called Madera County Weights and Measures. Didn’t hear back. Called again and a guy said, “We are trying to figure out how to measure it. Cause it’s frozen.” Well, I told him it says QUART on container. If it ain’t full, it ain’t a quart!”