Letters: We need to protect the Earth
Last week we traveled from Dallas to Fresno on American airlines.
I enjoy flying over the southwest. You can see the effects from millions of years of change on the surface of the High Desert. I noticed a volcano cone, and a bit west was a great wall. Looked like the Great Wall of China. It was north-south following the tectonic plates, breached by water. I could see the erosion scars as the water rushed through. Further west was another ridge that was the shoreline of a huge lake.
Last night on the news was a story of college kids going to D.C. to discuss politics in a face-to-face setting instead of on social media. Their most concern was climate change. They are alarmed and that’s good. We need to be concerned, but not alarmed.
It followed the tectonic plates, which were broken by water, from north to south. Tiny Fishing