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Hope restored at Madera Community Hospital

Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune

Madera Community Hospital CEO Steve Stark and Dr. Mohammad Ashraf hold commendations from Senator Anna Caballero and Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria with excited hospital staff before the reopening of MCH Wednesday.


Since January of 2023, Madera Community Hospital has been devoid of patients. After the past six months of getting the hospital ready to receive patients, the day finally came — Madera Community Hospital is now reopened. 

With great fanfare, MCH CEO Steve Stark showed his appreciation to everyone who helped Advanced American Management move MCH towards reopening Wednesday morning before officially opening the doors. 

He acknowledged the work of Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria and Senator Anna Caballero, as well as the City and County of Madera. According to Soria, MCH is the biggest hospital in the state that closed its doors, and reopened.

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