AMB Ranch Management gives back to the community
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune
From left, Pastor Rudy Reyna, Pastor Debra Espinosa, Marlene G. and Adam Beas and Pastor Jim Franklin, CEO and founder of Cornerstone Community Care, prepare and organize food distribution boxes to be handed out Tuesday at AMB Ranch Management, 28806 Avenue 15 at 9 a.m.
While times are rough for non-essential workers, AMB Ranch Management, in conjunction with Fresno Community Care will host a food giveaway on Tuesday at their offices in Madera.
AMB Ranch Management, Labor Force and Ag Personnel Management will be giving out 500 boxes of food at its offices at 28806 Avenue 15 at 9 a.m. Tuesday.
“It’s open to anyone that wants to come by, first come first serve for 500 boxes,” AMB Ranch Management owner Adam Beas said.
Beas understands that he and his employees are part of the essential group of workers that are still employed, but knows there are some people that have been out of work and could use a little help.
“Right now, with the times of uncertainty and things going on, this is the right thing to do,” Beas said. “We do essential work, which is farm labor. We have the growers and the laborers. That has kept going and it made it possible for us to help people in this time of crisis. Look at all the people that aren’t working like in the gyms, the Starbucks, the restaurants, cinemas and other stuff. They’re non-essential so they aren’t working.”
Beas also points out a Bible verse that emphasizes why he wants to give back to the Madera community.
“Matthew 25:35 ‘When they were hungry, I fed them. When they were non-clothed, I clothed them. When they needed water, we gave them water,’” Beas said “That’s in my heart because of my beliefs. That tugged me. It’s about getting the blessing to them.”
Pastor Jim Franklin with Cornerstone Community Care has been involved in relief efforts for 25 years and is happy to partner up with Beas and AMB.
“During the freeze several years ago, we sent nine semi-trucks to Orange Cove to help feed there,” Franklin said. “The problem we recognized, isn’t local, but nationwide. We’re looking for partners like AMB that can help us at their location. Last Saturday, we gave out 1,000 boxes. This Saturday, we’ll be at the fairgrounds doing the same there. We’re so glad to partner with AMB to be able to go out in their community and help those people. We help facilitate that with the boxing of the food and the delivery.”
Franklin said each box will contain beans, rice, pasta, canned foods and snacks for the kids.
“Some staples that will help a family of four for a week,” he said. “We also give them a frozen chicken and some other items that are frozen.”
Franklin and Beas also wants the public to know there can be no walk-ups for the food giveaway.
“It has to be a drive-through event where people stay in their cars,” Franklin said. “I don’t want to hurt people by spreading the virus. We have no contact with our guests. We really stress that. We’re going to maintain our distance.”
In the end, Beas wants to help as much as he can and sees Tuesday’s giveaway a chance to do his part.
“It’s part of my calling and passion, which is helping people who need the help,” he said. “Some people are less fortunate in this crisis. It’s tough right now. I have to pay my bills, but I need food. Here’s something they need at this time, especially when they aren’t working. It brings peace to our company and our family that we can give back.”