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Madera to celebrate robotics

Madera’s world champion robotics team will get a taste of hometown pride Saturday.

Following their march to victory in Houston, Madera High School’s entry in the world wide competition will be on the receiving end of a celebration worthy of their achievement — best on the planet.

The festivities will begin at 10 a.m. at the Madera Unified District Office on Howard Road with a parade that will proceed east to Olive, pass by the baseball field, and end on N Street by the stadium.

From there the celebration will move to Madera High’s Joe Flores Gym at 200 South L Street. The festivities will include videos of the victory, introduction of the team members, and a showcasing of their mentors and staff.

Then the town will be given a chance to see firsthand what a world champion robotics team looks like when the local students and their robots perform.

The public is urged to join in the celebration.

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