CCWF brings holiday cheer

For The Madera Tribune Staff members of the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla, when they set out Dec. 11 to take toys to children at two schools and Valley Children’s Hospital.
Staff from the Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) provided toys and bikes to two local schools and to Valley Children’s Hospital in Madera.
Although CCWF had a very short turnaround time, staff donated more than $1,500 in cash and toys. Within two days, there was an abundance of toys purchased and collected.
The Local Chicano Correctional Workers Association Chapter and the CCWF Employee Association also contributed to the cause.
On the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018, riding in on CDCR’s fire engine, the convoy, which included Warden Janel Espinoza, Chief Deputy Warden Mike Pallares, Fire Chief Peter Sotello, Santa Claus, and a group of other employees representing multiple departments at CCWF delivered the toys and bikes.
The first stop was made at Ronald Reagan Elementary School in Chowchilla, where the team was greeted by a sea of children who were happy to see them. Following Reagan Elementary school, stops were made at Virginia Lee Rose Elementary School in Madera and then the final destination, Valley Children’s Hospital.
Collectively, 75 bikes and 550 toys were handed out.