Readers praise Madera farmer Poythress
The Madera Tribune met the following comments online about articles and local happenings.

Roger Poythress
An article on almond and water farmer Roger Poythress inspired “Cindy Clair” to write, “Lovely reminder of the other half, Robert Poythress. Still love you both!”
“Robert Poythress” replied, “Aw! This will be the first time that I read the article. We were out of the country when it was published.”
“Terry Moore” wrote, “Neat article.”
“Margaret McDowell” wrote, “Great article. Such a great man. I love him!”
“Carol Bouttier Tonseth” wrote, “Life of a thankful Madera farmer who provides all those almonds and walnuts we enjoy!”
The death of a Modesto off-duty police sergeant, who was allegedly hit and killed by a drunk driver, led “Jim Curry” to write, “Prayers for the family during this difficult time.”
The health struggles of coach Ryan Desmond were honored by “Dez” stickers worn on the helmet of the Madera Coyotes football team. “Judy Whitson” wrote, “Prayers said. Prayers sent.”
“Kym Smith Salter” and “Renee Benoit” didn’t appreciate how those concerned with Madera homelessness were characterized in the “Out and About in Madera” column.
“Kym Smith Salter” wrote, “Really? Torches and pitchforks!? We will keep using our three minutes (allotted to each public comment during government meetings) until this gets on the agenda!”
“Renee Benoit” wrote, “Pitchforks and torches? You’ve got to be kidding! I think the Tribune should print a retraction and an apology from ‘guest writer.’ Editors: what are you thinking to let this kind of yellow journalism get published? Completely incorrect and inflammatory. I am flabbergasted and extremely disappointed!”
Rants and raves
Rant — “JD Jass” expressed exasperation with Madera city water rates. He wrote, “It’s all revenue driven and out of control. When you break down what the fees are for, it’s just as ridiculous as DMV fees.”
Rant — “George Mochizuki” was confused by an article about AT&T expanding its fiber optic network to Madera. He wrote, “I thought Madera Unified (School District), through AT&T, did fiber optic to their outlying schools like Eastin-Arcola and Ripperdan.”
Rave — “Russ Ryan” commented on the death of Mike Purl. He wrote, “A good man. He will be missed.”
Rave — “Congressman Jim Costa” shared a Tribune article on Kahal Farms. He wrote, in part, “Family farms are a key part of our economy and communities in the San Joaquin Valley, and the hard work and innovation of our farmers and farm workers — such as those at Kahal Farms in Madera County — provide food and fiber for our nation and the world.”
Rave — “Raeanne Jain” wrote, “In support of Child Support Awareness Month, Madera County Department of Child Support is hosting its 2nd annual Career and Resource Fair. The fair is from 9 a.m.-noon (today) at the Social Service Administration Building, 700 East Yosemite Ave. We are expecting a large turn out.”
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