Madera college grads prepare for next step

Kelsee Montagna, volleyball
Year graduated high school: Madera, 2012 (Won a Valley Championship)
College(s): Cabrillo College (won a state championship with 31-0 record, first NorCal team to win a junior college championship); transferred to University of Great Falls (Ranked up to No. 23 in nation), first team All-Conference.
College graduated, degree: University of Great Falls in 2016 with a bachelor of science in business administration.
What are you doing now? Graduate assistant women’s volleyball coach and recruiting coordinator for volleyball at the University of Providence, which was University of Great Falls. Also an assistant with the sports information director. We are completely rebranding the school. Taking master’s classes for organizational business management and leadership. Will finish in May of 2018. Also help ABC-Fox sports. I did a lot of producing and editing. I was an intern there for two years. I really like connecting with the athletes. I get to learn their stories.
Future plans: I am going to be the club director and will continue to coach here. My next step would be a college coach. I really enjoy the sports information. I’m doing a lot of the media work and web design and if there’s an opportunity that comes from sports information, I will look into that. However, volleyball will always be a part of my life. I also want to get my doctorate.

Katherine Grow, volleyball
Year graduated high school: Madera, 2009
College(s): UC Santa Cruz, University of Michigan
College graduated, degree: 2013 from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in history and American studies. From the University of Michigan in 2015 with a degree in educational studies with a concentration in urban pedagogies (how to teach in urban settings)
What are you doing now? I am an alumni success coordinator. I support the students that graduate from Jalen Rose Leadership Academy (charter high school inside the city of Detroit). It’s the same high school I taught at when I first moved out here in 2013. I started the volleyball program. It’s going strong.
Future plans: I’ve only been in this role for a year. I am really passionate and dedicated to Detroit. I don’t think we’ll stay here forever. There are awesome opportunities at the school I work with. My boyfriend from college came out here and just finished grad school. Our next professional move will be where we can both get jobs. I may potentially move back to California.

Miranda Brunner, volleyball
Year graduated high school: Madera, 2013
College(s): AIB (in Des Moines, Iowa, and is now closed) and University of Antelope Valley. College graduated, degree: Walked, but will officially graduate next week, Aug. 16, with a degree in business management.
What are you doing now? I work at the school as an admissions assistant.
Future plans: I want to be like an events planner. I don’t want to be a coach. I plan to get my master’s degree at UAV and it starts in January.

Hannah Shevenell, softball
Year graduated high school: Liberty, 2013
College(s): Lake Erie College
College graduated, degree: Lake Erie College, with a degree in biology with minors in psychology and Spanish.
What are you doing now? I will start working at Clovis Unified as a special education aide. I will be going back to school to get into graduate school. I am working on applications now. I have been coaching my sister’s travel team (Central California Krush) and there are some opportunities, but I haven’t made a decision, yet.
Future plans: I would like to get my masters in occupational therapy and work as an occupational therapist for kids with physical and mental disabilities and eventually get my own practice.

Chance Nevarez, football
Year graduated high school: Madera South, 2010
College(s): Merced College, University of St. Mary
College graduated, degree: University of St. Mary in December, 2016 with a degree in education. What are you doing now? Got a job with social security and before that, a correctional officer in Leavenworth. I’m living in Leavenworth. I was substitute teaching, as well. I was a little late with coaching because I was a correctional officer working nights. I’m still looking for coaching jobs and was a coach last year.
Future plans: I like it out here and stay out here for a few years. See where the job takes me, but eventually, I want to get back to California. If social security doesn’t work out, I can go to teaching. Coaching is definitely a must for me. That’s my passion.