Library to host Star Party on Friday
Central Valley Astronomers club will be in Madera this Friday night to guide telescope viewing of the summer sky.
All ages will be welcome to gather for a Star Party at 8:45 p.m. Friday at Madera County Library, 121 N. G St. Signing up ahead of time is requested to ensure an adequate number of telescopes, according to organizers.
Attendees should only use the first three levels of the public parking structure across the street from the library as the top level will be the site of the star party. It can be reached by walking from the lower levels.
Central Valley Astronomers offers etiquette guidelines for newcomers to the Star Party.
“Don’t use white light in the observing area. Dim red light is preferred, as it preserves night vision. ... If you must use white light for a moment, shout out a warning.”
“Never touch anyone’s equipment without permission, but don’t be afraid to ask. Never touch any glass optical surface.”
“Please avoid loud and boisterous behavior and loud music. If you bring children, please keep them with you and ensure they follow the rules.”
“Watch your step! Some telescope equipment requires power cords and computer cables; there may be wires on the ground.”
“If you are a smoker, please stay downwind of the telescopes.”
For information, call Oralia at 675-7871 or visit