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Transport program saves 1,440 animals

Volunteers sought A program begun 10 months ago to move dogs out of a crowded Madera County shelter to out-of-area human societies and animal rescues has saved 1,440 animals, according to Friends of Madera Animal Shelter.

“The (Rescue Transport) Program is critical because the sad fact is Madera County has too many animals and too few adopters,” said FMAS Rescue Coordinator Robin Bell, adding that more volunteer help is needed.

A Rescue Volunteer Orientation is scheduled for 10 a.m. Aug. 27 at Madera County Animal Shelter, 14269 Road 28. Help is needed with paperwork, dog assessing and handling, video taping, loading and driving vans and more.

“There is a job for everyone and this is your chance to make a difference,” Bell said.

For success stories or updates, visit shelter or For information, contact FMAS at 363-5106.


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