Graduations set for Madera high schools
Graduation exercises have been set for Madera Unified School Ditrict’s high schools, with each scheduled to take place in the school district’s Memorial Stadium.
Mountain Vista, Furman High, and Adult Education graduation ceremonies will take place Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. Chief Academic Officer Todd Lile will be the keynote speaker.
At 7:30 p.m. Thursday evening, Madera High School graduates will march at Memorial Stadium. Keynote speaker for the evening will be Brig. Gen. Clayton Garrison, a graduate of Madera High School and the United States Air Force Academy. He is presently commander of the California Air National Guard.
Graduation ceremonies for Madera South High School will take place 7:30 p.m. Friday. Keynote speaker will be Tenisha Armstrong, a Stanford University research scholar who is working on the Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers Project as associate editor/director.