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Relay For Life raises $90,000 and counting

The annual American Cancer Society’s Madera Relay For Life event held at Lions Town and Country Park this past weekend raised $90,000, this year’s Relay Committee announced at the conclusion of the 24-hour event.

Former chairperson Charlotte Brewer said 55 teams totaling nearly 500 citizens came from schools, churches, agencies, businesses and families. Madera’s Relay, since moving to Town and Country Park and co-sponsored by Parks and Community Services, has raised over $1 million in the fight against cancer.

The event began with opening ceremonies Saturday morning. Irma Huerta, with Relay Committee members standing alongside on stage, acted as M.C. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Color Guard from Madera Post 1981 presented the colors. Pastor Xavier Anderson gave the invocation. Mayor Rob Poythress welcomed everyone.

“This is a beautiful day for Madera and a premier day of love in this wonderful community,” he said...

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