Jim Glynn
Nuclear war: How close are we?
Are you alarmed by the drift toward war? Are you worried by recent U.S. blunders? These questions appear on the cover of “The Causes of...

Bill Coate
Madera County Historical Society One hundred years ago this tranquil scene inside Brammer’s Shoe Store was nearly transformed into chaos...
For The Madera Tribune
State plans, decisions cause confusion
The Madera Tribune received the following comments online about articles and local happenings. Some cities declare ‘independence’ With...

For The Madera Tribune
Hospital’s outpatient center installs new imaging equipment
For The Madera Tribune New x-ray machines will improve imaging quality at Madera Community Hospital’s Outpatient Center. New imaging...

Bill Coate
Sherman Thomas Charter School expands
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Sherman Thomas Charter School staff, board members, dignitaries and students gather for a ribbon...
Chuck Doud
Nature supplies plenty of daylight time
You may have noticed the days are getting longer as January wends its way through the early weeks of this year, and that should tell you...
For The Madera Tribune
Mayor lambasted over his letter on costs
In a recent commentary (Mayor takes a look at employee compensation for city, Jan 3, 2018, The Madera Tribune) Madera Mayor Andy Medellin...
Tami Jo Nix
Raindrops falling on my head…
The rain this week has been glorious. Lawns that were turning brown, owned by frugal water users, are getting a good long drink. Everyone...