For The Madera Tribune
Two from Madera chosen for Almond Leadership Program
This group of 18 future leaders represents nearly every aspect of the almond industry — from growers and pest control advisors to food...

Charles Doud
Chowchilla upgrading 2 wells, drilling another
Charles Doud/The Madera Tribune City Clerk Joann McClendon holds a drink cup with a straw in it while contract city engineer Jerry...
Chuck Doud
What some will do to save on gas
I don’t know about you, but I have been hearing a lot about the market lately (the stock market, not the super market), about how the...
For The Madera Tribune
Warning from ’65: ‘If I Were The Devil’
(Original excerpt by by Paul Harvey): “If I were the prince of darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness and I’d have a...
For The Madera Tribune
Chawanakee Unified breaks ground
More than 100 educators, school leaders, students, business and community leaders celebrated the official Feb. 1 groundbreaking of...
For The Madera Tribune
Quit complaining about HSR
Quit the complaining. The U.S. spends trillions of dollars on wars and killing millions. We spend millions to billions carting Trump and...
Jim Glynn
It’s time to throw in the towel on HSR
What are we to believe? The story that is spun by one of the most important state agencies changes so often that any announcement is...

For The Madera Tribune
Fighting the ‘great train robbery’
Randy Brannon This panoramic picture shows that little work has been done on this overpass near the Country Club that was started in...