Jim Glynn
Things that they simply don’t know
I thought I’d never see it again. But, when I pulled into my driveway last week, there it was. The new local phone book. The one with the...

Tami Jo Nix
Hundreds roar into VW Spring Fling
Tami Jo Nix/The Madera Tribune Hundreds of cars were on display at the Sunday Spring Fling Volkswagen car show. Bugs, bugs, bugs, as far...
Chuck Doud
Flying high in Formation Clinic over the weekend
If you were curious this weekend about all the activity at Madera Municipal Airport, wonder no more. Flyers from throughout the West were...

Chuck Doud
The nurses are taking over
One of the things about our town I truly appreciate is Madera Community Hospital. This week, Mrs. Doud has been at MCH for a recurring...
Chuck Doud
A few laughs, courtesy of the Internet
These were passed on by the great Jim Dedmon, who gleaned them from the Internet: Dear Boss, I have enjoyed working here these past...
Jim Glynn
Pen and sword; train and gas tax
“The pen is mightier than the sword.” — Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy, 1839 Oh yeah, tell that to Caesar In...
Tami Jo Nix
Having fights with technology
Do you know a magic trick to fix anything that has decided to quit performing? The secret is unplugging it, waiting five minutes,...

For The Madera Tribune
Chowchilla FFA chapter puts local face on national issues
For The Madera Tribune Frank Bigelow, center, with Chowchilla FFA members Christina Fuller, Andrea Jimenez, Ali Misleh and Dyland...