Tyler Takeda
Madtown Robotics set to host competition
Wendy Alexander/Madera Tribune File Photo As volunteers reset the field, more than 40 teams competed at the ninth annual MadTown...
Tom Elias
Opinion: Newsom looking scared during fire season
At times during this fall’s still simmering fire season, rookie Gov. Gavin Newsom looked a little like a scared rabbit as he ping-ponged...
Tami Jo Nix
Opinion: Getting a year older
Next week I will be celebrating the anniversary of my 29th birthday. In my six-plus decades, I have learned many things. I wish I knew as...
Tom Elias
Opinion: Anti-Vaxxers are morally bankrupt
For years, anti-vaccination activists have demonstrated against laws compelling schoolchildren to be inoculated against diseases like...
Nancy Simpson
Geocaching is fun!
There are a few friends in my church who enjoy doing something called Geocaching. Ever since I heard of it, I’ve had a yen to do it. It...

Bill Coate
From the outhouse to the penthouse
For The Madera Tribune Nichole Mosqueda is Chief Administrative Officer for Camarena Health. She is also an an Industry Partner with...
Tami Jo Nix
Opinion: Looking for that new norm
When things change and circumstances evolve, what happens afterwards become known as the “new norm.” After the suicide bombers’ terrorist...

For The Madera Tribune
New Madera Fair attraction features a virtual 5k run
Madera District Fair Madera District Fair is promoting a Ferris Wheel Virtual 5k venue, its newest venue for the upcoming annual event in...