Opinion: Another crazy California law
Based on some of my past columns, some people may think that I’ve been hostile to or just sarcastic about our state lawmakers and the...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: State to eliminate ‘white’ math
True or False: There is at least one subject in our schools’ curriculum that cannot be taught from a racist perspective, and that subject...
Jim Glynn

Madera finally enters Orange Tier
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Tommy Molina of Perko’s Cafe Grill takes the order of Connie Miller who is a regular patron of the...
Tyler Takeda
Opinion: Asian diversity, contributions in U.S.
In light of the recent violence against Asian Americans, it seems important to point out that there is great diversity among this huge...
Jim Glynn
Commentary: Work with animals helps develop vaccines against coronavirus
Scientists are working on dozens of potential treatments and vaccines for the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19....
For The Madera Tribune
Opinion: Leap year gives us an extra day
Every four years the rules of the calendar add another day to the shortest month of the year and we get the 29th of February. According...
Tami Jo Nix

Student’s journey to Harvard
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune From left, Marionel Lainey, Jaime Zuniga and Alejandro Batista attend a STEM class during a Migrant...
For The Madera Tribune
Letter: On the passing of Josephine Jimenez
It is with tremendous sadness that we address the loss of one of our students, Josephine Jimenez. As we mourn the loss of our student, we...
For The Madera Tribune