Opinion: November autumn holidays
As the year draws to its conclusion, the month of November brings so many reasons to celebrate. Veterans Day will be celebrated with...
Tami Jo Nix
Opinion: 11/11/11 — Veterans Day
At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice with Germany went into effect. That marked the end of World War...
Jim Glynn
Commentary: How is everyday life in Gaza?
What’s been happening to the Palestinians these past weeks is nothing new. Palestinians have endured more than 75 years of oppression and...
For The Madera Tribune
Book Talk: Favorites from the past, part III
With very few exceptions, when a novel is the basis for a movie, I’ve usually read the novel first, then seen the movie, and been...
Jim Glynn
Book Talk: Favorites from the past, part II
It may be hard to understand how something that I read many decades ago can have left a lasting impression on me, but I think that great...
Jim Glynn

Liberty’s Nulick headed to the Marines
For The Madera Tribune Liberty football player Max Nulick right, signs his papers to attend the U.S. Merchant Marines Academy where he...
Tyler Takeda
Book Talk: Carcaterra, ‘Street Boys’
Lorenzo Carcaterra is one of my favorite authors of fiction that is loosely based on historical fact. However, his novel “Street Boys”...
Jim Glynn
A pondering moment
Veterans’ Voices is directed toward veterans and their families who have given so much to ensure our freedom in this country. This is an...
For The Madera Tribune