Editor's Corner: Caterwauling in the Doud household
What used to be a one-cat household is turning into a four-cat household very quickly. I am talking about the house we live in, that is...
Chuck Doud

Comedy show coming to ApCal on April 21
For The Madera Tribune Comedians Tony Le (above) and Matt Cole will perform during the Riley’s Homebrewed Comedy show April 21 at ApCal....
The Madera Tribune
Editor's Corner: Caterwauling fills the air
Mrs. Doud and I pay rent (equal to one can of wet food and a half cup of kibble) every day to a cat who owns our house. She has been in a...
Chuck Doud
Doctors are not ‘inflammable’
Nearly 50 years ago, my ex (Marie) was a staff therapist for a health agency in the community where we had recently taken up residence....
Jim Glynn

Alternative facts in a nuclear age
NEWS ITEM: On Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017, Chuck Todd of NBC’s “Meet the Press” was talking with Presidential Advisor Kellyanne Conway and...
Jim Glynn
Ode to New Year’s Eve 2016
Let us toast the New Year in, Fritos and a glass of gin. And we’ll see the old year out, Pretzels and a gulp of stout. There are...
Jim Glynn
Waxing nostalgic and waning neurotic
New Year’s Eve is a time both to wax nostalgic and to spill over with enthusiasm for the coming months. My nostalgia centers on events...
Jim Glynn
Christmas crisis confronts Californians
This Christmas, we are facing a crisis. And, the situation is worse in California than it is in Florida, Philadelphia, or Peoria. The...
Jim Glynn