For The Madera Tribune
Letters: Real opportunity in November
The Senate seat left by Feinstein, to me, is the most important race in this coming election. Steve Garvey is running against Adam...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: Is the U.S. truly a Democracy?
Democracy. It was a novel idea in 1776. However, the system existed about 2,500 years ago in Athens. At the time, the Athenian leader...

Bill Coate
Remembering Judge Crocker
For The Madera Tribune Madera County Superior Court Judge, M.D. Crocker. Crocker was the county’s third superior court judge. Not long...
Angel L. de Jesus Jr.
Madera City Council recognizes Women’s History Month
Madera’s City Council awarded a proclamation to one of its own trailblazers and received updates on several projects happening within the...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: Have we created a Gerontocracy?
Gerontocracy is a form of social organization in which old men control society. The Greeks were among the first people to embrace this...
For The Madera Tribune
Letters: Things have got to change
Did you know that we (California) are $73 billion dollars in debt? Yes, Gov. Gavin Nuisance has allowed our state to become destitute;...

Tyler Takeda
Poythress close to reelection
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Madera County District 3 Supervisor Robert Poythress is cheered by family, friends and supporters on...
For The Madera Tribune
Letters: Don’t let your party be more important than our people
“The U.S. has announced more than 500 new sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine and the death of opposition leader Alexei...