Got milk?
Wikimedia Commons Enjoy a bowl of rich, hearty andouille and shrimp chowder this winter. January 11 happens to be National Milk Day (as...
Cathie Campbell

Cold weather calls for soup
JIP, Wikimedia Commons Not much time? You can doctor up most canned soups with some extra cooked meats and veggies. Serve with lots of...
Cathie Campbell

Appetizers to greet the New Year
Jen Arrr, Wikimedia Commons Crispy, fried wontons are a popular choice of appetizer for a holiday gathering. I have mixed feelings about...
Cathie Campbell

Pershing Elementary donates 2,000 items
For The Madera Tribune Pershing Elementary students show off the many cans of food collected during a drive this month. John J. Pershing...
For The Madera Tribune

Beverages for a festive occasion
Jill Wellington, freerangestock.com An eggnog beverage can be elegant when served in a cocktail glass with a few garnishes. One time,...
Cathie Campbell

Holiday side dishes
Kolforn, Wikimedia Commons A cheesy, potato casserole is always a hearty and welcome choice both for holiday and everyday meals. Most...
Cathie Campbell

Ready, set, GO!
Jill Wellington, freerangestock.com Scent your kitchen with the aroma of home-baked gingerbread cookies for the holiday season. An...
Cathie Campbell

What to do with leftover turkey
Famartin, Wikimedia Commons Consider making turkey pot pie with some of your leftovers. Just about every year at this time, I scout for...
Cathie Campbell