Tyler Takeda
Students turn out for annual volunteer effort
For The Madera Tribune Madera Unified Leadership Students volunteer at the Madera Animal Shelter during the annual District Day of...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: California’s energy glut, part II
About two weeks before 2024 ended, the California Public Utilities Commission authorized the fifth and sixth rate hikes for PG&E in the...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: California’s energy glut, part I
Is it possible for a state to produce too much energy? The knee-jerk answer is “No.” But, in reality, California produces far more energy...
For The Madera Tribune
Letters: Needless losses
Several times a year, we lose power out here. Very seldom is it weather related. It is mostly birds of prey, shorting out the service and...
Tom Elias
Opinion: Refiners win latest round; accountability could be coming
The cheating, price-gouging refiners who produce most California gasoline have won another round. Average prices per gallon have fallen...
Jim Glynn
Book Talk: Michael Koryta, ‘Rise the Dark’
Michael Koryta’s “Rise the Dark” (2016, 445 pages in paperback edition) is the sequel to “Last Words,” which I reviewed last week. Aside...
Tyler Takeda
Opinion: Doubt removed, oil refiners gouging us
There was some room for doubt back in February, when gasoline prices rose precipitously: Until the oil companies who refine most...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: No gas stations? Is this the future?
The story of climate change is one of gloom and doom. We hear forecasts about melting icebergs, rising ocean levels, disappearing...