MSHS students pay tribute to internees
For The Madera Tribune MSHS historical literacy students Ana Miguel-Leon, Mia Reyes (front), Ailin Leon-Torres, and Jessica Giron (back)...
For The Madera Tribune
Opinion: Flunking might be helpful to some
First published in The Madera Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013. You will notice the Tribune has had stories about whether to flunk...
Charles Doud

MSHS students conduct research for historic Nishimoto project
For The Madera Tribune Sunny Nishimoto is seen here in his U.S. Army uniform. Nishimoto joined the Army after being sent to a relocation...
The Madera Tribune
History pays for Madera eighth graders
Nine 8th grade scholars struck pay dirt, literally, just before Christmas. The indefatigable sleuthing efforts of nine students from...
Bill Coate
MUSD offers winter learning experience
This winter break Madera Unified will be offering, for the first time, a unique hands-on, engaging learning experience for its TK-8th...
For The Madera Tribune
Book Talk: If you’re lucky, you’ll get a book for Christmas
The more you read, The more things you will know. The more you learn, The more places you’ll go. — Dr. Seuss A book is a wonderful gift....
Jim Glynn

Memories of the Madera Method—a birthday present
For The Madera Tribune The sixth grade class at Howard School is shown here in 1985, after they completed their class project, The...
Bill Coate

Elks donate dictionaries to third graders
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Madera Elks members Doug and Kathy Row talk to a third grade class at Howard Elementary School about...
For The Madera Tribune