MUSD holds film premiere for ‘Seeking Justice for Emmett Till’
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune The audience applauds following a presentation of the MUSD Documentary “Seeking Justice for Emmett...
Bill Coate

Every 15 Minutes hits MHS
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Jay Chapel funeral director Mark Peruch guides in the casket of Madera High student Isabel Jimenez for...
Tyler Takeda

Accident staged in high school event
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Local first responders prepare Madera High student Josh Landeros to be medically transported by...
For The Madera Tribune

Fred Nix saved a field
For The Madera Tribune James Monroe students explore the Borden Chinese Cemetery in 1992. It was raining on that day in January 1992 when...
Bill Coate

A student reflects on Emmett Till trial
For The Madera Tribune Gueorgina Bojorquez testifies at the Emmett Till trial. Who was Emmett Till? At first I didn’t know who he was...
Bill Coate

Sherman Thomas, Mountain Home win pentathlon
For The Madera Tribune The Sherman Thomas eighth grade Academic Pentathlon team won the Madera County championship last week. Back row,...
For The Madera Tribune
Madera Unified to hold community resource fair
Madera Unified’s Migrant Education Program will host a Cesar Chavez Educational and Community Resource Fair on Thursday, from 4-6:30 p.m....
For The Madera Tribune

County hosts Battle of the Books
For The Madera Tribune The Rivergold Elementary School 5th-6th grade winning team, the Golden Books. From left are William Leyman, Cooper...
For The Madera Tribune