Opinion: The new oligarchy
The times, wrote Bob Dylan, they are a-changin’. His song, released on his 1964 album, foretold of the eventual success of the hippie...
Jim Glynn

Indians got their revenge
For The Madera Tribune T.H. Muhley. “Jim Bethel Killed! Old Resident of this County Found Dead in his Doorway.” With these words, in 1908...
Bill Coate
Spring has sprung
Well, it is the time of year when we see blossoms on trees and birds in the air; and the weather gets a bit warmer. Yes, spring has...
Nancy Simpson

Flying through the years: 6 decades in the sky
For The Madera Tribune Pilot Jim Shamp stands under his airplane which displays eyes like the characters of the movie, “Planes,” which he...
Julian Ornelas

Madera County teams with A-Lister for documentary
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Local farmer and CEO of Agriland Farming Company, Inc., Jim Maxwell, seated, is set to be interviewed...
For The Madera Tribune
Opinion: Rachel Carson, Ecology pioneer
During Women’s History Month, I think it’s important to pay homage to the woman who raised our consciousness about the challenges that...
Jim Glynn
Loving the unloved
There are many people who feel that nobody cares for them. This is usually a perception, because they feel alone, hurt, or are in a...
Nancy Simpson