Nancy Simpson
A Clockwork Orange remembered
It’s funny how something can take you back in memory, and you remember something so vividly, so clearly. It could start with a smell, or...
Jim Glynn
Martin Luther King Celebration to be held
The Madera Tribune File Photo Sen. Anna Caballero presents 2023 Humanitarian Award recipient Alisha Brown with a certificate during the...
Jim Glynn
MLK Middle School to host MLK Day celebration
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune File Photo Attendees join hands and unite as they sing “We Shall Overcome” at the conclusion of the...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: Spirit animals and birth stones
Many people believe that they have spirit animals. I think these are analogous to guardian angels. Both are believed to protect you from...
Nancy Simpson
Beware of resolutions
Just about every year, I make a New Year’s resolution. Sometimes I make more than one resolution, but I try always to resolve to do...
Tyler Takeda
MCSO, Agriland surprise residents
Tyler Takeda/The Madera Tribune Jeannette Mejia is a recipient of a Random Act of Kindness distributed by, from left, Agriland employees...
Nancy Simpson
Why we use the Gregorian Calendar
We are at the beginning of a New Year, and as we celebrate the arrival of 2025, we may want to visit how our calendar came to be, and...