Jim Glynn
Opinion: Earth’s favored children, part I
Pre-Boomers. Those of us who were born before the post-war explosion of births between 1946 and 1964 may be the last of Earth’s favored...
Jim Glynn
Book Talk: Tyson, ‘To Infinity and Beyond’
During the past few years, I’ve read four books by Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of...
For The Madera Tribune
Letters: Thank you, Mr. President
As I read and listen, I conclude that many Americans think that the president somehow controls everything. They can’t explain why. They...
Tami Jo Nix
Opinion: Closing out 2023
Happy New Year, one and all. The year 2023 is coming to an end, with ‘24 waiting in the wings. It’s going to be another year of being on...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: Yesterday and today
At the end of another year in my long life, I take time to think about how things were when I was growing up and how conditions have...
Jim Glynn
Book Talk: John Grisham, ‘The Exchange’
Of the 41 adult novels that John Grisham has written, “The Firm” was second, the debut novel having been “A Time to Kill.” Both have been...
Tami Jo Nix
Opinion: Christmas has arrived
The last weekend before Christmas has arrived. Last-minute preparations for holiday meals, family visits and Ol’ Saint Nick are ramping...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: A quarter century with the Trib
I don’t remember when, in 1999, I started writing Pulse of the Heartland, but I’m either at, or approaching, the end of a quarter of a...