Cathie Campbell
The comforts of pudding
Edward Russell, Wikimedia Commons Bread pudding can be embellished with ice cream, whipped cream, fruit or various dessert sauces, or...
Nancy Simpson
The blame game is a flame game
There are a few rules that were standard in our family as I was growing up. They were rules of obedience, rules of respect, and rules of...

Cathie Campbell
Hot days, cold drinks
Conger Design, freerangestock.com Watermelon and strawberries combine for a refreshing summer beverage. One of my favorite things to...
Nancy Simpson
A blast from the past
Memories are weird, how they just crop up in your mind for no apparent reason. This morning, as I was getting ready to come to the...

Cathie Campbell
When the chips are down… eat them!
stu_spivack, Wikimedia Commons Chips and dips are great anytime, but chips also can be key ingredients in many recipes. Chips are...
Nancy Simpson
My sister and I were born two years apart. She is the older one. As we were growing up, we shared a room and were always bickering with...

Cathie Campbell
Melons on the menu
Conger Design, Freerangestock.com Watermelon and strawberries are a good combination for agua frescas. The day before writing this, I...
Nancy Simpson
Bless your heart and shut my mouth
Everyone who knows me is aware that I grew up in the South, and anyone who is “Southern” uses a lot of expressions. It is such a part of...