Cathie Campbell
Ready, set, GO!
Jill Wellington, freerangestock.com Scent your kitchen with the aroma of home-baked gingerbread cookies for the holiday season. An...

Cathie Campbell
What to do with leftover turkey
Famartin, Wikimedia Commons Consider making turkey pot pie with some of your leftovers. Just about every year at this time, I scout for...
Nancy Simpson
The seasons of family
The importance of relationships cannot be emphasized enough. We are born to be social people. That doesn’t mean “social media” or...

Cathie Campbell
Pies fit for a holiday feast
Clotee Pridgen Allochuku, Wikimedia Commons Sweet potato pie looks a lot like pumpkin pie, but the taste isn’t exactly the same. If you...
Nancy Simpson
With grief and joy
There are many people who are grieving now over the loss of a loved one. I have just joined the ranks of the bereaved. My brother passed...

Cathie Campbell
Roll out the cranberries
Karen and Brad Emerson, Wikimedia Commons It is easy to make delicious cranberry sauce from fresh or frozen whole cranberries. Besides...
Nancy Simpson
Is perception reality?
I wonder. Do I get so wrapped up in how I believe, or the opinions I have about something, that I do not realize how another person is...

For The Madera Tribune
Go nuts at Pom Fest
Tyler Takeda/The Madera Tribune File Photo The 2022 Pom Fest rain makes its way through the Madera Fairgrounds. This year’s Madera...