Pakistanis visiting Madera

Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Debi Bray, CEO of the Madera Chamber of Commerce, left, and Madera South High vice principal Matthew Toews, right, gather with school staff and Chamber members, in giving members of the Jhang, Pakistan Chamber of Commerce a tour of the Campus on Monday. The group of eight visitors will be touring Madera throughout the week.
Seek to establish sister chamber of commerce relationship during their week-long stay
A delegation from the Jhang, Pakistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry is visiting Madera this week to establish a sister chamber of commerce relationship with the Madera Chamber of Commerce.
Madera has been a destination for many business people and medical professionals over the years, and as a result, the associations have been close, with people traveling back and forth to see friends and family and to do business.
The delegation from Jhang, which is west of Lahore and south of Islamabad, arrived on Sunday and are scheduled to be in Madera until March 10.
The delegation is scheduled to visit local businesses and agricultural operations, according to Debbi Bray, president of the Madera chamber.
Local Pakistanis serving as hosts include Nadeem Ahmad, a member of the Madera chamber’s board; Dr. Aftab Naz; Dr. Naeem Akhtar; Dr. Mazhar Javaid; and Dr. Ishtiaque Bangash.
Jhang is not unlike Madera in many respects, according to Madera’s Nadeem Ahmad. Like Madera, it has many agricultural operations, and the climates are similar.
Places they are scheduled to visit include government agencies, a Rotary Club, The Madera County Museum, the Madera County Arts Council and the Fossil Discovery Center.
They also will visit Evapco and JBT, the Madera City Council, Yosemite National Park, the Madera County Farm Bureau and other agricultural enterprises.
On Monday, they visited the Madera South High School agricultural facility.